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GNS: Budding Artists at Sheldon Coates

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On May 16th, Sheldon Coates Elementary hosted an Art Walk, a vibrant celebration of student creativity and work ethic in art. Junior Kindergarten to Grade 3 participated by creating two to three pieces of artwork. Amongst the collection, viewers could find mixed media, painting, sculpture, dioramas, sketch work, and various art concepts and topics being investigated and displayed. Many classes integrated their artwork into multiple curricula to showcase the multifaceted nature of student talent. Audiences were treated to poetry, research displays, narrative-based projects, and celebrations of notable artists’ works.

The Art Walk was a true community event with a great family turnout; parents, older and younger siblings, grandparents, and extended family members all came to celebrate and admire student work. They could also start or finish their visit to the event by adding to the school's 'graffiti wall' which featured a massive space where one could use different media to collaboratively
add to the wall. The success of the Art Walk and the overwhelming community response have sparked a wave of inspiration for future events, promising even more opportunities to celebrate the arts.

GNS: Indigenous Star Quilts at CVS GNS: Staff Inclusive Learning PD