Understanding Assessment and Reporting
In the past, assessment was used solely to calculate overall final grades. Twenty years of education research have revealed that it can also improve student learning. Parents play an important role in their child’s education; when parents, students, and educators work together, students are successful!
Student Assessment and Reporting Information and video supports.
Kindergarten to Grade 6 Reporting
Alberta Education identifies key learning concepts within the curriculum or Program of Studies. These key concepts in a subject are called “outcomes.” Outcomes describe the measurable skills, abilities, and/or knowledge that students should be able to demonstrate as a result of learning the outcomes. Teachers assess the outcomes to determine whether a student can or cannot achieve that specific skill, ability, or knowledge. The GYPSD Academic Achievement Grade Scale is used exclusively in Kindergarten to Grade 6 to share the results of student learning. Numeric scores are not recorded in these grades.

Grade 7 to Grade 9 Reporting
During the 2024/25 school year, Summitview Middle School in Grande Cache and Harry Collinge High School in Hinton will pilot the GYPSD Academic Achievement Scales in Grades 7-9.
During this pilot year, all other schools will receive numeric scores on assignments in all courses and an overall final percentage grade.
Grade 10 to Grade 12 Reporting
In all courses, students in Grades 10-12 will receive numeric scores on assignments and an overall final percentage grade.