Please check out the following resources to learn more about bursaries, scholarships and grants available to help fund your post-secondary education goals. Alberta students can apply for many different scholarships, bursaries and grants from a variety of sources including government, post-secondary institutions, private industry and service organizations. Scholarships are monetary awards based on academic merit or excellence in a specific area of study or discipline. A bursary is a monetary grant based primarily on financial need. We also encourage you to contact your high school directly to receive more information about funding assistance that may be available for you.
- 5 Steps to Winning Scholarships
- Alberta Learning Information Service
- RMA Post-Secondary Scholarship - August Deadline
- Student Awards
- Mission Creek Orthodontics Scholarship May Deadline
- Alberta’s Scholarship & Bursary Programs
- Terry Fox Humanitarian Award February 1st Deadline
- Herbert H. Carnegie Future Aces Foundation Scholarships January 15th Deadline
- MindFuel Scholarships - For First Year Entering Post-Secondary Science Program
Academic Achievement
- Alexander Rutherford Scholarships
- LM Scholarship May Deadline
- Odenza Vacations College Scholarship June Deadline
- Got a Spine Scholarship June Deadline
- Global Lift Equipment Scholarship June Deadline
- Lift Parts Express Scholarship June Deadlilne
- Compass Mortgage Group December Deadline
- Arctic Physical Therapy Scholarship August Deadline
- Loran Scholars Foundation - October Deadline
- Johnathan Doody Memorial Scholarship - Middle of September Deadline
Post Secondary
Financial Need
- John Hasselfield Endowment Foundation Deadlines in October and April
- Horatio Alger Jim Pattison Alberta Scholarship Program August Deadline
Gifted Learners
- Jo-Anne Koch – ABC Society Scholarship April Deadline
Engineering Petroleum
- Star Scholarship and Fellowship April 15th Deadline
Environmental & Community Leadership
- TD Scholarships for Community Leadership December Deadline
- Rotary Club Scholarships – check with local school - May Deadline
Aboriginal Awards, Scholarships, Bursaries
Aboriginal Awards
- The Alberta Aboriginal Youth Achievement Awards provides an opportunity to recognize the achievements of Aboriginal youth and share their successes with others from across the Province. There are eight categories and two Aboriginal youth will be selected from each.
- The "Lead Your Way" National Aboriginal Role Model Program celebrates the accomplishments of Indigenous youth aged 13 to 30. "Lead Your Way" inspires Aboriginal youth to strive to reach their goals.
- ConocoPhillips Canada presents awards annually to Aboriginal students who demonstrate hard work and dedication in pursuit of higher learning. Efforts can include upgrading their secondary education or entering a post-secondary program. Awards are granted on a yearly basis and may be used to cover portions of tuition, books or living expenses.
Aboriginal Scholarships, Bursaries & Funding
- Aboriginal Financial Officers Association of Alberta
- AFOA - Norman Taylor Memorial Bursary - Deadline July
- Aboriginal and Northern Affairs Canada Website
- Aboriginal Learning Link
- Alberta Government
- Alberta Health Career Bursary
- Alberta Blue Cross Scholarships
- Alberta Learning Information Service (ALIS)
- Freehorse Family Wellness Society
- McGill Student Information First People’s House
- MNA Scholarship Awards
- ECO Canada
- University of Alberta - Indigenous Student Services
- NAIT - scholarships and bursaries for aboriginal students enrolled in full-time, part-time and apprenticeship programs.
- Indspire - The Building Brighter Futures: Bursaries and Scholarship Awards can provide you with the financial security that can assist you in completing your educational goals.
- TD Scholarships for Community Leadership - designed to recognize the achievements of youth who are making a difference and help them realize their educational goals.
- ATCO Pipelines - aimed at supporting Aboriginal students from Indigenous communities in close proximity to our facilities.
- Horatio Alger Association of Canada - 20 scholarships of $5,000 each year to full-time students in Alberta with financial need.
- Windspeaker Aboriginal Scholarship Guide
- Canadian Future Achievers Award
- National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation
- Metis Nation of Alberta
- Apeetogosan
- University of Alberta – Continuing Undergraduate Award
- Aboriginal Endowments Applications are available online through Aboriginal Students Services centre at the University of Alberta. Application deadline is November 15
- Apprenticeship Incentive Grant, can apply for $1,000 grant for year 1, 2 and 4.
- Canadian Native Arts Council - Deadline Varies
- Dreamcatcher Fund
- Metis and Non-Status Indian Bursary Program
Special Groups
- Girl Guides Scholarships April Deadline
- Softball Alberta Awards & Scholarships September Deadline
- Bill Kehler Memorial Scholarships – Rodeo September Deadline
- Alberta Blue Cross Scholarships for Indigenous Students September Deadline
- Storwell Bursary September Deadline
- Bursary for youth in care.