AP 100: Planning and Reporting Cycle for Continuous Improvement

AP 100: Appendix A - School System Evaluation

AP 102: School Annual Education Plans and Results Reports

AP 103: School Reviews

AP 105: Site-Based Decision Making

AP 110: School Councils

AP 110: Appendix A Table of Contents

AP 110: Appendix B Chair Letter Template

AP 110: Appendix C Activities Template

AP 110: Appendix D Minutes Template

AP 110: Appendix E Financial Template - Please right click and choose "save link as"

AP 111: Council of School Councils

AP 120: Policy and Procedures Development, Review And Dissemination

AP 132: Emergency Closure of Schools and/or School Bus Transportation

AP 140: Responsible Use of Technology

AP 140: Appendix A Student Responsible Use of Technology Agreement

AP 140: Appendix B Staff Responsible Use of Technology Agreement

AP 143: Procurement and Maintenance of Technology

AP 143: Appendix A Technologies and Scope of Duties

AP 143: Appendix B Privacy Impact Assessment: School-Level Checklist

AP 143: Appendix C Technology Service Desk Tickets

AP 145: Use of Personal Mobile Devices

AP 146: Responsible Use of Social Media

AP 150: Division Communications

AP 150: Appendix A - Style Guide

AP 152: Parent/Guardian and Public Inquiries

AP 152: Appendix A - Guide to Services Provided by the Education Services Staff

AP 153: Advertising and Distribution of Materials in Schools

AP 154: Political Electioneering

AP 155: Event Protocol

AP 156: Visit Protocol

AP 157: Flags Protocol

AP 158: Division Corporate Branding

AP 158: Appendix A - Visual Identity Guidelines

AP 160: Health and Safety of Staff and Students

AP 160: Appendix A - Approved First Aid Training Courses

AP 160: Appendix B - Personal Protective Equipment

AP 160: Appendix C - Permission for Extreme Winter Outdoor Activities

AP 161: Communicable Diseases

AP 161: Appendix A - Reporting Blood or Bodily Fluid Exposure or Sharps Injury

AP 161: Appendix B - List of Communicable Diseases

AP 162: Smoke-Free Environment and Prevention of Youth Tobacco Use

AP 162: Appendix A - Smudging/Pipe Ceremonies

AP 165: Emergency Response Plan

AP 167: Automated External Defibrillators

AP 171: Violence and Harassment in the Workplace

AP 175: Protection of Staff

AP 176: Protection of Students

AP 180: Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy

AP 181: Audio/Video Monitoring

AP 185: Records Management

AP 190: Use of Copyrighted Materials

AP 191: Copyright and Intellectual Property

AP 200: Organization for Instruction

AP 201: High School Programs

AP 202: Continuity in Student Learning

AP 203: Multiculturalism

AP 204: Indigenous Education

AP 204: Appendix A - Treaty Territory Acknowledgement Statement

AP 205: Controversial Issues

AP 207: Patriotic Exercises

AP 208: Religious Studies

AP 210: Early Childhood Services

AP 210: Appendix A - Ages for Funding Eligibility in ECS Programs Depending Upon Status of Child

AP 211: English as a Second Language

AP 212: French Language Instruction

AP 213: Languages Other Than French or English

AP 214: Inclusive Education

AP 215: Career and Technology Foundations/Studies

AP 216: Off-Campus Education Programs

AP 217: Knowledge and Employability Programming

AP 219: Locally Developed or Acquired and Authorized Courses

AP 220: Alternative Programs

AP 221: Outreach Programs

AP 240: Mental Health Supports

AP 250: Learning Commons

AP 255: Animals in Schools

AP 256: Service Dogs for Students With Diverse Needs

AP 256: Appendix A - Service Dogs for Students With Diverse Needs Principal Checklist

AP 260: Field Trips

AP 260: Appendix A - Field Trip Approving Authorities

AP 270: Virtual Learning

AP 271: Home Education

AP 280: Program Evaluation

AP 290: Research Studies

AP 295: International Education

AP 300: Admission of Students

AP 301: Non-Resident Student Tuition Agreements and Fees

AP 301: Appendix A - Tuition and Registration Fees

AP 304: Admission of Federal Students

AP 305: School Attendance Area

AP 305: Appendix A - Town of Edson Attendance Area

AP 305: Appendix B - Wildwood Attendance Area and Grand Trunk and Parkland Shared Attendance Area

AP 305: Appendix C - Fulham Attendance Area

AP 305: Appendix D - Hinton Attendance Area

AP 307: Student Information System

AP 310: Safe and Caring Schools

AP 310: Appendix A - Division-Wide Bullying Prevention

AP 311: Supervision of Students

AP 311: Appendix A - In Loco Parentis

AP 312: Student Safety in Physical Activities

AP 313: Student Safety Patrols

AP 314: Student Immunization

AP 315: Student Illness/Injury

AP 315: Appendix A - Transportation of Ill or Injured Students

AP 316: Medical Care of Students in School

AP 316: Appendix A - Student Medication Type 1 Diabetes

AP 316: Appendix B - Student Intimate Care

AP 317: Students With Severe (Anaphylactic) Allergies

AP 317: Appendix A - Action Steps for Anaphylaxis Management

AP 317: Appendix B - How to Use the Epi-Pen Auto-Injector

AP 317: Appendix C - The Basics of Asthma Allergies and Anaphylaxis

AP 318: Pediculosis (Lice)

AP 318: Appendix A - Frequently Asked Questions About Head Lice

AP 318: Appendix B - Head Lice

AP 320: Student Records

AP 321: Young Offender Information Sharing

AP 322: Legal Custody of Children

AP 325: Child Neglect and Abuse

AP 330: Student Attendance

AP 331: Attendance Officer

AP 340: Students at Risk

AP 346: Physical Restraints and Seclusion

AP 346: Appendix A Physical Restraint/Seclusion Incident Report

AP 346: Appendix B Incident Debrief and Reflection

AP 346: Appendix C Seclusion Record

AP 350: Student Conduct

AP 350: Appendix A - Student Code of Conduct

AP 351: Student Conduct on a Bus

AP 352: Interviewing Students at School by a Police or Youth Family Services

AP 353: Searches

AP 356: Illegal or Inappropriate Substance Use Protocol and Procedures

AP 357: Damage, Destruction, or Theft of Division Owned Property

AP 360: Student Evaluation

AP 361: Provincial Assessment

AP 362: Individual Student Assessment

AP 363: Grade Advancement, Retention, and Acceleration

AP 364: Homework

AP 365: High School Course Challenge Assessment

AP 370: Student Awards

AP 370: Appendix A - George Monsma Scholarship

AP 370: Appendix B - Carmichael Memorial Endowment Fund

AP 370: Appendix C - Ken Prosk Memorial Endowment Fund

AP 370: Appendix D - Lorraine Lee Memorial Endowment Fund

AP 370: Appendix E - Garth Grigat Memorial Endowment Fund

AP 370: Appendix F - Xerox Leadership Scholarship

AP 370: Appendix G - Michael R. Allers Memorial Scholarship

AP 370: Appendix H - Alberta Margaret Atkinson Scholarship

AP 370: Appendix I - Mountain Park Lodges Hospitality Or Business Award

AP 370: Appendix J - Mountain Park Lodges Healthcare Scholarship

AP 370: Appendix K - Canadian Tire Bursary

AP 375: Graduation

AP 380: Student Council/Student Leadership Groups

AP 390: Appeals Concerning Student Matters

AP 400: Personnel Selection

AP 400: Appendix A - Criminal Record and Vulnerable Sector Checks

AP 400: Appendix B - Nepotism

AP 401: Staff Code of Conduct

AP 401: Appendix A - Staff Communications Protocol

AP 402: Personnel Records

AP 403: Whistleblower Protection

AP 404: Staff Conflict of Interest

AP 405: Working Alone

AP 406: Certificate of Good Health

AP 407: Alcohol, Controlled Substance Abuse or Chemical Dependency

AP 407: Appendix A - Employee Assistance Plan Steering Committee

AP 408: Leaves of Absence

AP 410: Telecommuting

AP 410: Appendix A - Work From Home Agreement

AP 410: Appendix B - Working From Home Guidelines

AP 412: Staff Development

AP 413: Secondment for Special Projects

AP 415: Progressive Staff Discipline

AP 415: Appendix A - Letter of Concern and Expectation

AP 415: Appendix B - Letter of Reprimand

AP 419: Employee Resignations

AP 420: Teacher Role and Responsibility Statement

AP 422: Teacher Growth, Supervision, and Evaluation

AP 422: Appendix A - Teacher Growth, Supervision and Evaluation Glossary

AP 423: Professional Growth of Teachers

AP 423: Appendix A - ATA Professional Growth Fund Committee

AP 423: Appendix B - Summary - Professional Growth Fund

AP 424: Deferred Salary Leave Plan

AP 425: Teacher Award Nominations

AP 426: Reduction of Certificated Staff

AP 428: Student Teaching

AP 429: Role of the Principal

AP 430: Role of the Assistant Principal

AP 431: School-Based Administrative Term Designations

AP 432: Principal Growth, Supervision, and Evaluation

AP 432: Appendix A - Leadership Quality Standard for Principals

AP 440: Support Staff

AP 442: Support Staff Growth, Supervision, and Evaluation

AP 442: Appendix A - Quality Practice Standard for Support Staff

AP 443: Professional Growth of Support Staff

AP 443: Appendix A - Support Staff Professional Growth Reimbursement

AP 443: Appendix B - CUPE Professional Growth Fund Committee

AP 444: Local Authorities Pension Plan (LAPP)

AP 444: Appendix A - Waiver of Local Authorities Pension Plan (LAPP) Coverage

AP 444: Appendix B - Local Authorities Pension Plan (LAPP) Enrolment Election

AP 445: Labour Management Advisory Committee

AP AP 448: School Bus Operator Credentials

AP 450: Organizational Structure

AP 450: Appendix A - Organizational Chart

AP 459: Accountability Reporting

AP 460: Substitute Teachers

AP 490: Volunteers

AP 491: Volunteer Coaches and Supervisors

AP 500: Division Budgeting

AP 500: Appendix A - Timeline for Current Fiscal Year

AP 501: Annual School Budgets

AP 505: School and Transportation Fees

AP 507: Damage, Destruction or Theft of Private Property

AP 510: Financial Accounting and Auditing

AP 511: School Generated Funds (SGF)

AP 511: Appendix A - Sample of SGF Sept 30 Report

AP 511: Appendix B - Sample SGF Report

AP 512: Cash in School Buildings

AP 513: Employee Reimbursement of Expenses

AP 514: Signing Authority and Controls

AP 515: Purchasing

AP 515: Appendix A - Buying Group Member

AP 515: Appendix B - Purchasing Card Guidelines

AP 517: Inventory

AP 518: Disposal of Assets

AP 520: School Fundraising

AP 525: Partnership in Education

AP 526: Gifts, Donations and Bequests

AP 530: Insurance Management

AP 531: Student Accident Insurance

AP 540: Planning for School Facilities

AP 540: Appendix A - Placement or Modifications of Facilities by Other Agencies

AP 541: Naming of Facilities

AP 542: Facilities Construction

AP 543: Buildings and Grounds Security

AP 544: Facilities Maintenance

AP 544: Appendix A - Facility Services and School Budget Responsibilities

AP 545: School Grounds

AP 546: Hazardous Goods Management

AP 547: Environmental Considerations

AP 549: Use of Division Facilities, Equipment and Vehicles

AP 550: Community Use of School Facilities

AP 550: Appendix A - After Hour Rental Rates

AP 551: Lease or Rental of Division Owned Property

AP 552: Playground Equipment and Purchase

AP 560: Student Transportation Services

AP 560: Appendix A - Transportation of Students With Special Needs

AP 560: Appendix B - School Bus Rider Rules

AP 560: Appendix C - Application: Transportation of Students with Special Needs

AP 561: Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular Bus Transportation of Students

AP 562: Transportation Safety

AP 563: School Bus Accident

AP 565: Transportation of Students in Private Vehicles

AP 567: Contract Bus Operators

AP 570: Fleet Management

AP 571: School Acquired Activity Buses

AP 575: Use of Division Owned Vehicles