Please check out the following resources to learn more about bursaries, scholarships and grants available to help fund your post-secondary education goals. GYPSD students can apply for many different scholarships, bursaries and grants from a variety of sources. Scholarships are monetary awards based on academic merit or excellence in a specific area of study or discipline. A bursary is a monetary grant based primarily on financial need. We also encourage you to contact your high school directly to receive more information about funding assistance that may be available for you.
Lobstick Area Scholarships
- AP 370A George Monsma Scholarship
- AP 370G Michael R. Allers Memorial Scholarship
- AP 370E Garth Grigat Memorial Endowment Fund (Fulham Students Only)
- Peers & District Scholarship Fund (Peers/Fulham Students) – Contact school directly for more information - September Deadline
- ATA EVERGREEN LOCAL #11 Scholarship – October Deadline
Edson Area Scholarships
- AP 370A George Monsma Scholarship
- AP 370G Michael R. Allers Memorial Scholarship
- Yellowhead Agricultural Society - Contact school directly for more information - January Deadline
- ATA EVERGREEN LOCAL #11 Scholarship – October Deadline
- Royal Cdn. Legion-Floyd Olsen Memorial Scholarship - Contact school directly for more information - May Deadline
- Royal Cdn Legion Ladies Auxilliary - Contact school directly for more information - June Deadline
- Michelle Carlson - Contact school directly for more information - June Deadline
- Talisman Energy - Contact school directly for more information - June Deadline
- Kinette Club of Edson - Contact school directly for more information - July Deadline
- Edson & Dist. Health Care - Contact school directly for more information - October Deadline
- Shell Canada - Contact school directly for more information
- Rotary Club of Edson Scholarship
Hinton Area Scholarships
- AP 370A George Monsma Scholarship
- AP 370 B Carmichael Endowment Fund
- AP 370C Ken Prosk Memorial Endowment Fund
- AP 370D Lorraine Lee Memorial Endowment Fund
- AP 370G Michael R. Allers Memorial Scholarship
- ATA EVERGREEN LOCAL #11 Scholarship – October Deadline
- Shell Canada - Contact school directly for more information
Jasper Area Scholarships
- AP 370A George Monsma Scholarship
- AP 370G Michael R. Allers Memorial Scholarship
- ATA EVERGREEN LOCAL #11 Scholarship – October Deadline
- AP 370 Appendix H - Alberta Margaret Atkinson
- AP 370 Appendix I - Mountain Park Lodges Hospitality or Business Award
- AP 370 Appendix J - Mountain Park Lodges Healthcare Scholarship