GNS: Division-Wide Numeracy Focus
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Alberta Education defines numeracy as "the ability, confidence and willingness to engage with quantitive and spatial information to make informed decisions in all aspects of daily living". In young children, this competency looks like the ability to recognize patterns; in older children, this includes the ability to estimate amounts. Numeracy consultant and mathematics instruction specialist Geri Lorway provides one-on-one, grade-level, and Professional Learning Community coaching to GYPSD teachers to support the development of strong numeracy skills in students. With her guidance and model teaching of visual-spatial frameworks, she demonstrates with students how -with the recall of facts alongside the ability to think, to reason, and when and how to apply thinking strategies - GYPSD teachers can develop and strengthen students' number sense. Geri began her work with GYPSD in the second half of the 2020/2021 school year and is working with every school in the Division.