GNS: PCHS Students in Action
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Designing engaging lesson plans that pull students in so they are active and participating in their learning is a core practice of effective teaching and supports the Board's first priority - Student Learning. Teachers throughout GYPSD have reviewed the work of Hattie and other leaders in high effect instructional choices. Now more than ever, educators are making lesson design decisions that are data-informed and research-based: the more students are talking to each other, reflecting on their learning, having to explain their thinking, and making their thinking 'visible', the more their learning sticks. At Parkland Composite High School, staff share their Students in Action stories with their colleagues and the administration team. Discussing lesson design, effective assessment practices, and evidence of learning through data analysis with colleagues is foundational to reflective teaching practice and an essential strategy to support the Board's second priority - Teaching and Leadership Excellence. In this week's reporting of Students in Action, Grade 9 students in Mrs. Bencz's math class play "100 Board Whipout" - a dice game to practice order of operations: creating numbers using addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and exponents. In Mr. Smith's English 30-1 class, students completed a visual analysis of a character from the novel, The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini.