GNS: Minister of Education and MLA Long Visit GYPSD Schools
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GYPSD Trustees, staff and students at three GYPSD high schools recently met with Minister LaGrange and MLA Martin Long to showcase their learning spaces and successes in Trades and Career Pathway Programming. Principal Dikaitis, Assistant Principals Hall and Servold, and students at Parkland Composite High School toured the Minister through their successful welding, construction, cosmetology, and foods program spaces. They then introduced the Minister to their new STEM partnership lab and Culinary program. Acting Principal Leslie Currie and students at Jasper Jr/Sr High School toured Minister LaGrange and MLA Long through the Construction, Foods, and Outdoor Classroom spaces, sharing their experiences living in Jasper National Park, and accessing Locally Developed Courses (LDCs) to take advantage of the beautiful spaces that extend their learning.
Principal Mines and students at Grande Cache Community High School showcased their Elite Program, Cosmetology, Foods, and the SonRise Elementary Christian Program, where students shared their writing and reading successes and participated in a drumming lesson. Minister LaGrange also had an opportunity to congratulate 2022 Zone 2/3 Edwin Parr winner, Aimee Allers. MLA Long took time to recognize JJSHS senior Kira Peel and GCCHS senior Adria Walters with the West Yellowhead MLA Award, which, based on a recommendation from the staff, is given annually to a graduate that models community engagement, volunteerism, and service before self.