GNS: Learning About Financial Tips for Teens
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Grade 7 classes at École Pine Grove Middle School recently participated in a Financial Literacy webinar Smart Money Top Tips for Teens hosted by Enriched Academy. Over 10,000 students across Alberta joined the webinar - the first of its kind offered by Enriched Academy at no cost to schools through a partnership with the province over the next three years. Sessions offered include the SmartStart session for Grades 7-9 and Enriched Start for Grades 10-12.
Teacher Lisa Rowand plans Finance Fridays with her homeroom class and invited all the Grade 7 classes to join her class for this webinar. The presenters highlighted four key principles: patience, curiosity, persistence, and gratitude, and had students participate in a Kahoot to keep them engaged throughout the presentation.
Students learned to pay themselves first and to start saving now. Students were wowed when learning about compound interest - that it can turn a penny into over $5 million dollars when doubled daily for a month!