GNS Summer Learning Highlights
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Although the 'official' school year runs September to June, GYPSD offers many learning opportunities over the summer months for students. Summer school provides important opportunities for high school students to work ahead or expand their learning options beyond the two-semester school year.
At the August 24, 2022, Public Board Meeting (PBM), Summer School principal Adam Fragomeni shared with the Board of Trustees the success of this past summer's hybrid programming to provide both in-person or online learning access for students. A total of 32 students successfully completed their Career and Life Management (CALM), and 11 students took several Diploma Exams including English Language Arts, Part 1 and 2, Social Studies, Part 1 and 2, and Physics.
In addition, over 14 students took part in a Work Experience program during July and August. Keaton Morley, a recent Parkland Composite High School graduate, was present at the PBM to share his summer experience with the trustees. Keaton joined the Division's Transportation Team as a work experience student in the Bus Shop during summer school. The opportunity provided Keaton with credits and an inspiring experience for his career goal of becoming a heavy-duty mechanic. Transportation Director Van Neck commended Keaton for his hard work and was pleased to be able to provide a stepping stone for Keaton in pursuing his career goals.