March 4, 2025: Important Update on CUPE Collective Bargaining – Employer's Latest Proposal
February 27, 2025: CUPE Strike Vote Scheduled for February 28
We are reaching out to you to share the latest information we have regarding possible labour action from Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 1357.
On February 20, 2025, CUPE Local 1357 applied to hold a strike vote on February 28th – this is the same date CUPE agreed to meet with GYPSD to continue mediation.
GYPSD is concerned with CUPE National’s decision to hold the strike vote on the same day when the parties are supposed to be working towards an agreement. We question CUPE National’s genuine interest in getting a deal. We question why CUPE National would want employees voting without knowing the outcomes of the discussions that may occur during this day of mediation. GYPSD believes, before any strike vote, it is crucial that all negotiations be taken into account including the upcoming negotiations on Friday. It is GYPSDs interest to ensure that our employees are fully informed on what they are voting on.
The Division will know the results of the strike vote once it is completed and confirmed by the Labour Relations Board. If the CUPE membership does vote in favour of strike action, they must still provide a minimum of 72 hours strike notice, should they choose to withdraw services.
It is our intention that GYPSD schools will remain open in the event of CUPE withdrawing their services.
GYPSD remains committed to reaching an agreement with CUPE Local 1357. We appreciate our CUPE Local employees and the support they provide our students which ultimately forms part of the safe, secure, welcoming and caring learning and working environment that is our number one priority.
We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates and information through School Messenger and our website. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this challenging time.
Dr. Dennis Parsons,
Interim Superintendent/CEO Grande Yellowhead Public Schools
January 30, 2025, Failed Ratification Vote
Grande Yellowhead Public School Division (GYPSD) has been in collective bargaining with the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 1357, representing educational assistants, library assistants, secretarial, therapy assistants, financial assistants, systems analysts, mechanical, and maintenance staff.
The Board is very disappointed to advise that on January 24, 2025, our employees in CUPE Local 1357 voted to reject a mediator issued recommendation.
In January, the Division and CUPE representatives worked through the collective bargaining mediation process in an effort to resolve the outstanding collective agreement which expired on August 31, 2021. The neutral third-party mediator recommended a settlement in-line with the 2.75% general wage increase trend seen in over 99% of the broader public sector agreements for the same time period.
The mediator’s recommendation would have provided the following increases for our employees in CUPE Local 1357:
- 2.75% wage increase for all CUPE bargaining unit staff retroactive to February 1, 2024.
- An additional 5% targeted market adjustment, retroactive to February 1, 2024, for the four streams of work that are paid below provincial and western Canadian average market rate.
- An increase of $150 (for a total of $450) for the Health Spending Account and expansion of this account to be a Wellness Spending Account, allowing employees to use these funds in a more flexible manner.
- The addition of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation as a General Holiday.
- The expansion of Family Medical Leave to include grandchildren.
In an attempt to provide both parties greater stability and certainty, the employer expressed its interest to include the next collective agreement (2024-2028) into current negotiations. This would have extended the timeframe and provided for a higher wage increase; however, CUPE would not engage in this option.
What’s Next
A 14-day cooling-off period will start on January 30. During this time, CUPE may not strike, nor can the Board enact a lockout; however, either party can apply to the Labour Relations Board to do so. To date, neither party has exercised these rights.
The Board remains committed to the process and is open to further discussions with CUPE Local 1357.
Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter. We will continue to share updates with staff when information is confirmed and can be shared. Please see the following timeline and frequently asked questions.
Dr. Dennis Parsons, Interim Superintendent/CEO Grande Yellowhead Public Schools
Negotiation Timeline
January 24, 2025
- CUPE Local 1357 rejected the mediator’s recommendations.
January 17, 2025
- Mediator issued their report, with a deadline of January 30, 2025, to the parties for consideration.
January 8-9, 2025
- Mediation occurred.
December 9, 2024
- Mediator was appointed.
May 17, 2023 - November 22, 2024
- Nine (9) collective bargaining days occurred with three (3) different CUPE lead negotiators.
August 25, 2021
- CUPE Local 1357 responded to Grande Yellowhead Public School Division and agreed to begin collective bargaining.
June 18, 2021
- Grande Yellowhead Public School Division served notice to CUPE to begin collective bargaining.