GNS: Inclusive Learning Team
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The Inclusive Learning Team - led by Director Erin Murphy and includes school-based educators and exceptional needs' specialists, Speech-Language Pathologists, Family School Liaison Counselors (FSLC), BEST Program Manager and Coaches, Therapy Aides, and the Division Psychologist - spent the day identifying how the Division's network of supports overlaps and interconnects to ensure the health and wellness needs of students are met.
Director Murphy praised the group for their range of "super powers" and provided a space where the different strengths and skills of the sub-teams were explored across different contexts.
In reflecting on the day, Director Murphy shared, "the pandemic was hard on some of our families and revealed cracks in the systems. Our team is committed to addressing student and family needs through school-wide and targeted interventions while also building capacity and positive mental health for students and staff across the Division."