GNS: BRAVO! Award Winner
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On October 24, 2022, GYPSD's Communications Team - Dr. Kelly Harding, Assistant Superintendent, and Nikki Gilks, Special Projects Manager - won a Coup de Coeur Award at the 2022 BRAVO! Awards Gala in Victoria, BC, hosted by the Canadian Association of Communicators in Education (CACE). The award was in recognition for their creation of the Division's Leadership Newsletter. This is the fifth time that GYPSD Communications has won a CACE BRAVO! award since 2015. The team also received provincial recognition for their Good News Stories by the Provincial School Boards Association of Alberta for the Special Contribution to Public Education Media Award in June.
The CACE BRAVO! Awards recognize and honour exemplary work in all aspects of school public relations, communications, marketing, and engagement through the BRAVO! Awards Program each year, for more than 350 communicators and organizational leaders in school districts, school board associations, private school institutions, post-secondary institutions, teacher organizations, and provincial education ministries across Canada.