GNS: CVS Wins Fire Drill Award
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Congratulations to Crescent Valley School who recently won the Captain John Klein Fire Drill Efficiency Award in Hinton. It is awarded for the fastest and most efficient fire drill for all schools in both divisions in the town. Accepting on behalf of the School is Ms. Mackenzie Shopa (Grade 2). The Grade 2's (Ms. Smith's class) were in the library during the fire drill (complete with a smoke machine outside their door). They responded quickly and appropriately by closing the door and calmly walking through their secondary exit.
We would like to remind our families to review your Home Fire Escape plan with your family on a regular basis, including keeping your home's smoke detectors installed with fresh batteries.
A free activity plan to work on with your family is available here!
Thank you to our wonderful Hinton Firefighters for helping us practice this important life-saving action.