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Pink Shirt Day 2023

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Students and staff across the Division are encouraged to wear pink on Wednesday, February 22nd, to help recognize Pink Shirt Day

Pink Shirt Day is February 22, 2023. Pink Shirt Day began in 2007 when a student in Nova Scotia was bullied for wearing a pink shirt to school. It has since been recognized annually worldwide as a day to stand against bullying.

This year’s theme, #BeKindAB, encourages all of us to be inclusive, welcoming and supportive with colleagues, clients, friends and family. Building healthy relationships is one of the best ways to prevent bullying and create safe environments.

Let's celebrate diversity and support people who embrace their cultures, identities, and authentic selves to feel welcome and included. 

Wear a pink shirt Wednesday and help raise awareness of bullying prevention.  Help send the message to victims of bullying that they are not alone – others care and there is help and support available in each of our GYPSD schools. You can also visit Pink Shirt Day Alberta to find additional resources.

GNS: Early Learners from Westhaven Entertain the Board of Trustees GNS: Mental Health First Aid Responders