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GNS: GCCHS Students Take Part in CRASH Demo

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Grade 9 students at Grande Cache Community High School took part in a CRASH Program
(Community Responders Against Student Harm) created by a committee of first responders in the community including EMS, Greenview Fire Rescue Services #33, Grande Cache, Greenview Enforcement Services and RCMP. This local initiative proactively educates youth on choosing to make responsible, safe decisions, and the weight of consequences when not doing so.

Students heard from each of the program presenters, then toured an ambulance and trauma room - complete with a student actor - morgue, and learned about the tragic impacts on families and victims in the local chapel.

The students had a tour of the jail cells at the RCMP detachment, learning more about the legal implications of bad choices, followed by a bylaw session to learn about ATV safety.

The day ended with a BBQ lunch at the local fire hall.

A sincere thank you to all the community members who took part to show our students the importance of making good decisions and helping to keep them safe!

GCCHS Students Take Part in CRASH Demo

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