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GNS: RAK Events Across the Division

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Did you know that helping others and finding purpose beyond yourself have powerful correlations to wellness?  Research shows that those who consistently help other people experience: less depression, have greater calm, fewer pains, better health, and may even live longer.

Across GYPSD, staff helped students practice Random Acts of Kindness in their schools. Teachers created events like Secret Valentine, EA Lunch Dates, and 100 Acts of Kindness ideas. At Jasper Junior/ Senior High, students were welcomed with treats as they walked in on Valentine's Day

In Grande Cache, students at Sheldon Coates participated in a week of kindness activities: collected 167 boxes of cereal for the Grande Cache Food Bank, made kindness posters on Monday, had a read-aloud about kindness on Tuesday, discussed random acts of kindness on Warm Hearted Wednesday, wrote thank you notes on Thursday, and shared "A Cup Of Kindness" with guests on Friday. At Summitview students created kindness chalk posters during Lunch Brunch Group, and GCCHS placed positive stickies on students' lockers and positive affirmations were shared during the breakfast program.

Students at École Westhaven Elementary School were challenged by BEST to spread kindness in various ways. The Wolf Pack started their week off by making kindness posters to decorate the school, shared positive messages with each other, listened to stories about kindness and courage, and shared some extra appreciation with the important people in their lives.

However RAK happened, staff and students definitely felt the extra love going around!

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