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GNS: Staff Inclusive Learning PD

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Throughout the school year, GYPSD staff engage in professional learning opportunities to enrich their expertise and expand their toolbox of skills to support students. These events occur in-person, or virtually, depending upon what best suit the needs of the learner.

This spring, educational assistants, members of the Division's Inclusion Teams, and the Division's bus drivers participated in a series of virtual sessions on behaviour management strategies in response to staff awareness of students struggling with big emotions and how those emotions impact success in school and safety on the bus.

The sessions addressed:

  • Navigating Challenges: Positive Behavior Supports
  • Well-Being through Emotional & Social Learning
  • Managing Classroom Behaviour
  • Emotional De-Escalation
  • Emotional Regulation Approaches

GYPSD, in partnership with the Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium (ERLC), designed the Professional Development series, which featured several experts in educational support.

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