GNS: Math Mondays at CVS
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Teachers across GYPSD are working with Math Consultant/Specialist, Ms. Geri Lorway. Her topics focus on finding and filling the number sense gaps across the grades. It is about teaching ALL students how to learn, connecting concepts and focusing on relationships as we teach students how to effectively practice what they are learning until they are able to recall, apply and transfer with confidence and accuracy. At Crescent Valley School in Hinton, Ms. Lorway visits classrooms monthly to engage with students, but most importantly she provides professional development for teachers. Teachers have the opportunity to observe Ms. Lorway and their students. If time permits, they meet with Ms. Lorway afterwards to debrief otherwise they are meeting in their PLCs to discuss and program plan using the ideas Ms. Lorway presented in their classroom. In addition, Monday morning announcements have incorporated “Math Mondays”. From kindergarten to Grade 7, classroom teachers receive a Math Monday task each week to incorporate into their day to share with their students. The goal for Math Monday is to be very intentional by incorporating the concepts Ms. Lorway has been demonstrating in classrooms and using them in classes. The goal is for students to engage in “Math Talk” by developing math vocabulary, making connections and developing their reasoning skills.
“Math Monday has become something that my students look forward to! They are eager to pull out their Math Journals and to tackle the challenge at hand. Though it is an engaging block for them, it is impactful for my teaching practice as the skills are so transferable and help broaden their understanding in Number Sense.” -Grade 5 Teacher, Raeanne Miller