GNS: Superintendent's Youth Council
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The 2022-2023 Superintendent's Youth Council (SYC) met in Edson at the Galloway Station Museum on Wednesday, October 26, 2022, for their first meeting of the new school year. Superintendent Lewis and the Learning Services Team led the group of Teacher Advisors and high school student SYC members from across the Division through a day of team building by introducing the Student Participatory Action Research (YPAR) process. Through a series of fun and engaging consensus-building activities, participants brainstormed, discussed, and synthesized a list of core issues of high importance to students. The YPAR process is meant to inform SYC members' work in each of the Division's high schools. The next steps in the YPAR process invite each SYC to plan for and host focus group sessions and conduct surveys in their schools to determine an area of interest to initiate a project that can bring about positive change for the betterment of all students.