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National BRAVO Award Winner

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Grande Yellowhead Public School Division (GYPSD) congratulates Nikki Gilks, Manager of Communications/ Special Projects, on winning a national BRAVO! award from the Canadian Association of Communicators in Education (CACE) at their annual conference held in Winnipeg, Manitoba this year. CACE recognizes and honours work in all aspects of school public relations, communications, marketing, and engagement efforts through their national BRAVO! Awards Program. This is Gilks' fourth national BRAVO! award: this year's recognition was for a single communication piece, the 2018/2019 GYPSD Fact Sheet. Gilks previously won BRAVO!s for her development of the Division's Health and Wellness section on the website, the annual print calendar, and the 2017 Kindergarten Marketing Campaign. She has been a proud CACE member since 2007 and has been a member of the national executive since 2018.
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