GNS: School Bus Safety Week

Posted on: Oct 16, 2023

October 15-21 is School Bus Safety Week. This year's theme is Stand Back from Yellow and Black, and is an opportunity for everyone who rides a school bus, or knows someone who rides a school bus, to…

Official Notice of 2023 by Election

Posted on: Oct 12, 2023

Please join us in welcoming Ms. Jackie Mines as the new School Board Trustee for the Grande Cache ward by acclamation. This will be for the remainder of the current term. The next Election will be in…

Teacher, Support Staff, and Leader Excellence

GNS: 2023 Terry Fox Run

Posted on: Oct 12, 2023

In September, students and staff across the Division honoured the legacy of Canadian Terry Fox. Students learned about the teenager who challenged himself to run across Canada to raise awareness and funds…

Community EngagementSystem Health and Wellness

October 10 is World Mental Health Day

Posted on: Oct 10, 2023

World Mental Health Day provides all of us a reminder of just how important good mental health practices are to the overall benefit of our lives.  GYPSD has comprehensive in-school support and resources…

System Health and Wellness

GNS: World Teachers' Day

Posted on: Oct 5, 2023

Since October 5th, 1994, teachers around the globe have been recognized for their contribution to society on World Teachers’ Day. At Grande Yellowhead, we are proud to recognize these dedicated, innovative…

Wednesday Profile: Recognizing TRC Week and Orange Shirt Day at GYPSD Schools

Posted on: Oct 4, 2023

Read about the many activities and events recognizing TRC Week and Orange Shirt Day across the Division....

Community EngagementStudent LearningTeacher, Support Staff, and Leader Excellence

GNS: Building Connections

Posted on: Oct 2, 2023

Evansview School is committed to building community and believes a strong community leads to increased learning because students feel welcome in a safe and secure environment. Part of the community building…

GNS: Learning from the Past

Posted on: Sep 28, 2023

As part of their commitment to lifelong learning and their personal professional development, GYPSD's educators are always seeking valuable educational opportunities to increase their knowledge and…

Teacher, Support Staff, and Leader Excellence

GNS: ReconciliaACTION begins with Education

Posted on: Sep 26, 2023

Truth and Reconciliation Week, September 25th to 30th is a 5-day national event that includes important conversations about the truths of the Treaties, First Nation, Métis, and Inuit land claims, and…

Student Learning

GNS: A Feast of Learning

Posted on: Sep 21, 2023

Grade 6 French Immersion students at École Jasper Elementary celebrated the beginning of the school year with an Épluchette de blé d'Inde, or "corn roast". A corn roast is a traditional Quebec and…

Student Learning